Charcuterie Platter

This platter has four types of cheeses, three meats, three crackers, nuts, fruit, and olives! Yes, I know that’s A LOT of food, but, this board is supposed to look packed and full of vibrant colors and different textures that compliment each other, to bring us this jaw-dropping platter.
Charcuterie platters are great for entertaining, with their variation of flavors. There’s something for everyone. You can add olives, dried fruit, fresh grapes and berries and really anything else you love. I enjoy making them with unique cheeses and crackers I would not normally buy. When I make a platter, I like to go to to the store without a plan, and find new items. Fresh jams always go on nicely. I’m planning on making a sweet jalapeño jam for the Super Bowl tomorrow. If that doesn’t make you say wow, I do not suggest reading my post for tomorrow! So stay tuned!